Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring Dreaming

Vince Camuto
Nine West

Vince Camuto

Maria Sharapova by Cole Haan

I wore so many great outfits this weekend, most of which included faux leather. I was like some sort of Harley Davidson wannabe. It was like a full-on new outfit bonanza. But of course, I managed to take zero usable photographs of any of them. I guess that's what happens when you treat yourself to a 4-hour brunch, complete with multiple Bloody Mary's. Way to go, me.

So instead, I'm going to spend today dreaming about all the new sandals I'm planning to buy for spring once I can safely walk outside without fear of falling. Since walking into my office most mornings is akin to ice skating, this may not be happening anytime soon. I've been basically living in wedges all winter because clearly I need shoes I can wear safely. And I don't mean safely as in, "safely within the rules of fashion." I mean like actual, physical safety. Shoes that I won't cause me to break a hip when I wipe out on snow and ice. And I'll be honest, I fall A LOT in the winter, so there's a pretty good chance that's going to happen to me. Obviously my love for winter wedges is carrying into spring, because the brightly colored pairs above are all I can think about. Wedges + brightly colored neon? Pretty much my two favorite things ever. What do you guys think? What shoes are you drooling over for spring? 

1 comment:

  1. Mmmm that brunch sounds delish! Love those brightly colored Nine West pumps - so fun! I love a good wedge - way easier to not fall in :)

    The Other Side of Gray


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